There are a lot of you who know the members of my family and those of you who don't have heard me talk about them before I'm sure. This posting is a quick (I hope) update on what my family is up to. I feel like there have been a lot of changes in my family and I enjoy knowing what your families are up to, so I hope you don't mind. If this gets too long and boring, feel free to skip it.
Ben and Bonnie are still living in California and had a recent addition to their family of four. Congrats to the Bennett's! In Bonnie's own words, here is the quick story of the birth of Emily:
"This will be old info for some of you, but I wanted to let everyone know that Emily Darci Bennett was born June 14th at 6:05 PM. She weighed 6 lb. 4 oz. and was 20 inches long. She came 5 days late, just like her older siblings, but nothing else really went according to plan. Emily was all wrapped up in her cord so she had to be delivered by C-section. 3 days in, she got to take a helicopter ride down to Cedars-Sinae Hospital where she hung out in the NICU for a few more days. She had some respiratory problems that had to be checked out, but she was eventually given a mostly clean bill of health, with the assurance that she'll grow out of the minor problems she has. :) We're happy to have our little girl home. The kids love her and always want to be holding her. Emily's eating and sleeping well, just trying to bulk up a bit. :)"

Amy and Bryce deserve a huge pat on the back. Bryce finished with dental school in Baltimore in May. In June they moved to Athens, GA (only 5 - 6 hours from me instead of 10-12) where Bryce got a new job. My parents flew out to help them move and I drove down with Izzy to see everyone for a few days. Amy and Bryce went on a cruise for a week and left their kids with Grandma and me (see my next post).
Amber and Brian continue to live in South Weber minutes away from my parents. They are enjoying their two boys Logan and Jordan.
Daniel tried his hand at selling home security systems in Philly this summer and found that the business didn't suit him. He moved home last week and found a job really quickly. He will be attending U of U in the fall for the second year.
Aubrey moved to CA for a month working in a pest control office, but that didn't work out, so she moved home also. She does have a job for the summer and I believe will be attending Weber in the fall (I seriously can not get either of them to realize the greatness of USU).
My parents are staying super busy this summer. My dad is working for Power School this summer and is flying all over the place. My mom will be gone from home about a month by the time she returns after her adventures. She flew to Baltimore, drove to GA, and drove to TN with me. She left from Nashville to go to Texas where she is reffing at the Junior Nationals Volleyball tournament for a week. Afterwards she will meet my dad at Ben and Bonnie's for the baby blessing. Then she gets to go home.
Well, that's my update. Questions...? Comments...?