I hope all of you had a great turkey day. My day turned out really nice despite the fact that the turkey took a little longer to cook (about an hour, yeah I was nervous). We did Thanksgiving at our house. We were hoping that the Bryce and Amy could come, but Amy understandably didn't feel up to the drive (she is eight months pregnant). We planned on dinner with the Hansens (family of four) and Justin's grandparents at first. Then our friends the Kerns (another family of four) ended up coming to town last second and came over to eat. Our friend, Scott, joined us because his family was out of town and he had to stay and work. All in all we had nine adults and five kids. Not too shabby. We had a ton of food, so everything worked out well.

These are some really cute picts of Izzy that Becca K. took today when she came to visit me for awhile. I'm hoping she will convince her husband that she needs to move back so we can hang out all the time. Anyway, I thought the pictures were super cute. Plus it showcases what I do all day with Isabella. Yeah, she loves her Ponies and her Rocket. Mostly it's all about playing Ponies.