Sunday, April 26, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Joining the Easter Party
So everybody else has an Easter post. Even though it's belated, here is mine for histories sake. We did the church Easter hunt and then our own little one Easter morning. Isabella was really good at finding all the eggs. We talked to her about how Jesus was resurrected, but I'm pretty sure she didn't understand. She sure can say resurrection though. Someday she will understand.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Blessing and Cousins
Isabella had a really great time getting to know her cousins. Jackson is six months younger than her and they really hit it off. Izzy was a little possessive of her toys, but when they got past that, they were really cute together. Izzy also really loved running through the house trying to get away from 4 year-old Preston and into Maddy's protective arms.

Last of all, the reason for a few days of fun with our cousins was the blessing of our handsome little man. Justin did a really great job and it makes me so grateful that he is able to exercise the power of the priesthood. He is such a great example to his family. He grandparents and aunt and uncle and cousins were able to attend the blessing and come over afterwards to hang out. We really enjoyed ourselves. It always nice to have an excuse to get family together. I wish I would've taken more pictures that day, but it was pretty crazy. I did manage these two.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Identical Cousins?
My sister, Amy, was here for Wesley's blessing this past weekend. Her little boy, Garrett, is about a month older then Wesley. He is such a cutie! Here are some pictures of them together.