About six months ago one of my dearest friends from high school invited a large group of us to get together at her home in Las Vegas. I immediately knew that I needed to go. I told Justin that I wanted a trip to Vegas for Christmas. I think with packing, moving, renting, and basically suffering from cabin fever, I really needed to skip out on the day-to-day stuff for a weekend. Kid free and carrying only my purse, I boarded the plane for the most FANTASTIC weekend I could have ever imagined.
I spent the weekend with two of the funnest girls. I have known Lindsay since 7th grade and Addie since 2nd. I pretty sure I spent more time with them then my family in high school. They can get me laughing harder then anyone I know (with the exception of my sisters). I think high school friends just know you differently then friends you make later on in life. Mostly I love that even though we haven't been together in years, it didn't even matter. We reminisced about the past and caught up on the present. I remembered what it was like to be just me, no strings attached. No responsibilities. No schedule to keep. No cleaning to do. Just completely enjoying myself. It was AMAZING!!
We had a ton of fun playing on the strip.

So much shopping!! Surprisingly one of my favorite parts.


Playing the slots. I lost $5, Addie won $5 and Lindsay won $3.

Eating delicious food - so yummy!!!

After my adventure, it was nice to come home to these cuties and remember that I chose to be a mom, wife, and homemaker for a reason. It's nice to have fun and be a little selfish but it's nicer to know that people depend on you and that you are the world to somebody.
Thanks Lindsay and Addie!! Can't wait until next year!!!!