We haven't been anywhere as a family for a really long time. We would always talk about going somewhere on one of Justin's weeks off, but it just never worked out. Well, Justin had this past week off and I really wanted to go somewhere. He picked up an extra moonlighting shift so a vacation would be feasible.
We went to the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga and we had a great time! Izzy loved the touching pools, the butterflies, all the fish and the sharks. She was really good the whole time. The aquarium was super impressive. It was especially nice that it was not crowed at all because school started.
Isabella playing in the touching pool. 

This is where you dry your hands off when you're done. 

Looking at butterflies.

That's me, trapped in a shark cage.

Daddy and Daughter in front of the HUGE aquarium.

They had a couple displays where you could crawl under and climb up into the aquarium. Izzy thought that was pretty fun. Especially when we saw the Nemo fishies.

After the aquarium we drove down to my sister's in Athens, GA. We stayed for three days and nights. I loved seeing the Carter's. It's nice that they are a little closer than they used to be. The Carter's we so hospitable and very fun to hang out with. Amy and I are both pregnant with boys about three weeks apart (her actual due date is December 25!), so one afternoon we went shopping for maternity clothes. It was nice to leave the kids and it was seriously the most fun I've had shopping in a long time. The boys went and shot guns afterward. We really appreciated the time together.
I'm really grateful to have such a great sister whose kids I love to death. Isabella had so much fun with her cousins. I know that she can't wait to see them again.