...Baby and its a BOY!!
I've been meaning to post the fact that we are having a baby for awhile because it's really not a secret at all, but I wanted to get a picture of my belly and then I knew we were having an ultra sound today, so I figured that I might as well do it all at once. Our due date is January 15, so that puts me at 19 weeks. Almost half way there!
Me with a little bump. I'm definitely bigger now than I was with Izzy.

Baby boy was very cooperative at the appointment today and was not shy at showing his stuff off. When it came to taking a picture of his face, he kept burrowing into the side and turning away. We finally got a few good shots. Justin and I were both very impressed with the 3-D picts. We didn't have those with Izzy.
I'm really excited to know that we are having a boy. I admit I was kind of hoping for a girl because we are so girly at our house, but I really love little boys. I think they are hilarious and so much fun. Justin is excited to have a son to mess around with. Izzy is lots of fun, but sometimes she's a wimp and kind of moody.
On the drive home I couldn't stop thinking about boy names, boy toys, boy decorations, boy, boy boy...I think I will have to switch my brain. Overall, I'm just grateful to be blessed with a healthy baby.
He has a cute little profile.

3-D images.
All curled up. I'm hoping he will be a cuddler.

Congratulations!!! Yeah a girl and then a boy... that's a great way to go! :) Those 3D images are amazing. Good luck with the next 20 weeks.
Greetings from Arizona YAY A BOY!!!! Im so excited!! Any names picked out???
OH MY GOSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I can not tell you how fun it will be!!! Boy boy boy, Oh boy! Yipee! Ha ha. Congrats to you three...I mean 4. You should see all the different shades of blue that are out there. I think you will be very pleased. Well just so you know I already have a bag of hand me downs ready to go back home with Gramps & Gran. What does Izzy think?
Lots of love to you all from a new Aunt:o)
We're due about the same time! We can swap newborn stories! :) Little boys are so much fun, you'll be playing cars and superheroes, and you will be awesome at it. I've seen you in action at BRASC, and you have nothing to worry about. You are such a good mama, and I know that this little boy is so lucky to be part of your family. Love you!
Yay, that is so exciting, I am so excited to play boy with your boy! Guess I will just live vicariously thru you! lol
Yeah!!!! That is so much fun and so exciting. What cool pics. I haven't seen such detailed 3-D ones like that of their whole bodies. So it looks like it will work out perfect. Cal and Izzy in love and our baby girl and boy in love. Now we just need to live closer so they can meet.
Yeah for a little Wenny! Boys are so much fun!!!
Congrats! That is really fun to have one boy and one girl. I'm with you, I'm hoping we'll have another boy next time we're pregnant, but Ken is dying for a girl! 19 weeks...you haven't even complained at all (at least blog-wise) good for you. I hope you are feeling good.
Yeah, thanks for telling us when you're practically in your 3rd trimester! Ti2f told me you were prego this week - but I'm so glad you posted pics of your belly! Rub it for me.
And congrats on it being a boy! Like Rachelle said - girl then boy is the way to go. :-) It's all about the built-in babysitter.
P.S. Ryan asked me on a date for a Wednesday night the other week...reminded me of our Wednesday night date series in college. I had a good chuckle in your honor. :-)
Congrats! You look great! The Wilson family grows...Let me know what you think after having a boy and get used to it. I'm all girls and am slightly afraid of having a boy, if we ever do. :)
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm glad you guys are doing well... good luck with everything!
Congrats. That is so exciting. Like Rachelle, we like having a girl then boy. You look great and I hope the rest will be smooth. Does Justin get to deliver your babies?
Wahoo!!!! So happy for you guys. Love the pic of your little tummy.
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! I was so excited to read your news and think you just look so cute. I love the pic of you and amy showing your bellies- that is very fun to be pregnant together! I hope you are feeling well and I love the girl/boy duo- you will have a blast seeing the difference in them. I am very happy for you guys- congrats!!
Wahoo! congrats! I will concur on the girl/boy thing. It's nice to have both, because then people stop asking when you'll have you're next, cause you have one of each :)
And boys are so sweet--at least at first :) but they're also no-nonsense, so that's nice.
You look so darn cute-I'm way excited for you guys.
PS. do you ever keep in contact with Emily Thompson (don't know her new last name?) Her old roommate Neesha just moved into my ward--small world. And also, I just read Math Curse to my bookclub last night and thought of you (remember how funny we thought that was? we were geeks :))
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