There are several of you that we know from medical school who are now doing residencies (or almost done) so you can all relate. Justin works so hard for not so much and he puts in some crazy hours. Yesterday he went to work at 5:30 a.m and got home at 1:30 a.m. the next morning since he was on call. The good news is that he didn't have to work on his birthday. Hurray!! That's why he is in bed when Izzy is singing to him.
I asked Izzy about a week ago what she wanted to get Justin for his birth-day. She said, "Sweetie Belle" which is a My Little Pony. She also thought he needed a My Little Pony cake. Justin of course went along with it.It's always difficult to buy the perfect gift for Justin. So I made him this card with a little help from Wes and Izzy. I thought it turned out really cute.
We really love our daddy and we are so grateful he works so hard and loves us so much! Happy 29th Just!