There are several of you that we know from medical school who are now doing residencies (or almost done) so you can all relate. Justin works so hard for not so much and he puts in some crazy hours. Yesterday he went to work at 5:30 a.m and got home at 1:30 a.m. the next morning since he was on call. The good news is that he didn't have to work on his birthday. Hurray!! That's why he is in bed when Izzy is singing to him.
I asked Izzy about a week ago what she wanted to get Justin for his birth-day. She said, "Sweetie Belle" which is a My Little Pony. She also thought he needed a My Little Pony cake. Justin of course went along with it.It's always difficult to buy the perfect gift for Justin. So I made him this card with a little help from Wes and Izzy. I thought it turned out really cute.
We really love our daddy and we are so grateful he works so hard and loves us so much! Happy 29th Just!
happy birthday Justin!
That video of little WEsley is just adorable. It inspires me to put up some of Eli. And awesome cake, not to many men can pull a My little pony cake off, but he did it with perfect style. :)
The first thing I thought when I saw the My Little Pony on the cake is, "I hope none of the hairs fell off!"
Happy Birthday Justin!
How fun to see a Daddy wrapped around his little girl's finger! Too cute. I'm glad he could have the day off. Happy Birthday Justin!
I love the cake! And oh my heck baby Wes is so stinkin' big!
What a cute're so creative. Happy birthday Mr. Wilson! Looks like he was a good sport about the pony cake...way to go, Dad. :)
Ok unlike the Andersons my first thought was man I hope the pony's hair didn't light on fire. J/K. I love that Justin went along with the cake just like he went along w/painting his nails like his big sis when he was a toddler. He so good about giving me material to tease him with. OK...yet another J/K. One thing that I'm not kidding about is feeling bad that I didn't call on his BDay. I did call a day before but no answer. I knew it would be hard for me to call on his BDay. Hope he got his book from me. Happy BDay to the best bro EVA! Oh and the card made my heart pitter cute. LOVE YA
What a cute card, I LOVE it!
very cute video of the kids and I too loved the card! it is hard to have very tired daddy's sometimes, but you make the most of it-- you are a great mom, Abby and I wish you lived closer so we could play like old times- maybe someday :)
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