We were able to visit with lots of people on our trip to Utah (I know we've been home nearly a month). I so wish I had pictures of everyone. If you are listed without a picture, sorry.
First it was great to see so much of my extended family at the weddings and Bennett reunion.
Grandma and Grandpa Shimer, Aunt Bobby and Jennica, Aunt Sharon, Aunt Nelda, Aunt Kim and kids were all there from my mom's side. Thanks so much for carrying Aubrey's wedding on while we were all so sick. It had been way too long since I had seen some of you. It was short, but great.
From my dad's side, Uncle Wade and Aunt Jana and all their kids+spouses and grand kids (loved hanging out with you guys), Uncle Steve and Aunt Karla and all their kids, Deon and Lisa (so glad that you came up from AZ, so sad:( your kids didn't), Uncle Dee and kids, Aunt Norma. What a great time! Loved our game of Nertz that we attempted to play.
All the Bennett Cousins at Aubrey's wedding

We were able to spend some time with Justin's family.
Sis, Amanda. Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to play hostess.
Nephew, Alex. He was so cute with Wes.
Nephew, Benjamin. I seriously wanted to bring this guy home with me. He is so stinkin' cute.
Justin's Grandpa and Grandma Wilson.
We also got to hang out with Justin's dad + girlfriend one evening. He set up this big bounce house for the kids and they made us dinner. It was great. We were able to go with Justin's mom and Lynn and see the Hill Air Force Base Museum. Thanks for the great idea Joann!
I really wish I had a picture, but I was able to go out to dinner with my former rommies, Tiffany and Emily. We had some great years together at Utah State. It was so fun seeing you guys and meeting your kids even though dinner was a little crazy. I love seeing you fulfill your role as mothers. I can't wait to see you again (Jensa, next time you better be there).
Finally, here are a few pictures of my family. Time went by way too quick while we were there. It always does when we get together. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving.
Dad really wanted a picture with his "identical" grandsons.
My sis Amber and hubby Brian with Wes. Thanks Mamers for letting us stay at your house and watching my kids! I love you!