I'm a little behind on posting, but I think it's important to acknowledge an important landmark in Wesley's life.
While we were in Utah, Wes hit 6 months old. His doctor's appointment was last week and here are the stats:
Height: 28 3/4 inches long (above the 95th percentile)
Weight: 18lbs 5 oz (about the 50th percentile)

In other news, Wes is a pro at rolling both directions, scooting in circles on his belly, and can sit up pretty well (although I still don't trust him alone). He has two little bottom teeth, and loves fruit. As for sleeping, I've resigned myself to the fact that he wakes up hungry somewhere between 2-4 a.m. I just feed him and then he usually goes back to sleep until 7:00. Other than that, he is the best kid anyone could ask for. I'm so crazy about him! He has a great way of distracting me from the world when he is awake. I love when he smiles and laughs at Izzy and me.
awww Abby those are too cute!! Its so sad they grow up way to fast.
I love his little army crawl pose - so sad I didn't get to meet him in person. What a cute little dude. :-)
I love his poses up on his elbows! He is so cute & I think it is so cute how he'll turn any way he can to watch the tube. I have a disc for you of pictures while you were here. Just need to send it sometime.
I miss you guys already! Great pictures of Wes!
I'm so glad I got to meet wes. What a sweetie!
Abby he is so cute! I can't believe he is already 6 months old.
Abby guess what? Robert said that after spending time w/Iz & looking at all the pics I took of her that she has many characteristics that he thinks look like me and my kid pics. How cute that he thinks that. I miss you guys!
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