My littlest sister, Aubrey, has been here in TN visiting for the last few weeks. I took her to the airport this morning and I was really sad to see her go. I loved the chance to get to her know better and for her to play with Izzy. Izzy absolutely loved Aubrey! By the time she left, Isabella did a pretty good job at saying her name and was very willing to give her kisses. We didn't do anything too exciting, just played a bunch of Karaoke and hung out and chatted, but I had a great time. I love you Aubs, come back any time!!!

always fun to have family visit. So hard to say bye. She missed the Tennessee snow storm.
What?!?! Aubrey can't be so grown up, and such a pretty lady, she should be like 10 still, man.
How fun to have family, there is nothing better!
Very cute Abs. I love your background too. Where did you get yours? She is getting so big.
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