Okay, so those of you who live in Utah and other places that get lots of snow, you have to understand, it does not snow here. Everything in the state was closed down the other day because of our little inch of snow. To their credit, the roads do get pretty slick when it snows because it is so icy, but it still makes me laugh.

Anyway, I have been missing snow a lot this winter. Every time I talk to my mom and she says it snowed some more in Utah, I get kind of jealous. I grew up where winter was the longest season of the year and I think that if it is going to be cold, we should at least get the fun of snow. I love sledding and building snowmen, and snowball fights. I love to bundle up in a coat, hat, and mittens then go outside and feel protected from the elements. Then you get to come inside, shed your snow clothes and drink some yummy hot chocolate and cuddle up in a blanket while watching a good movie or reading a favorite book. It really is the best. Alright enough nostalgia.
I knew I would have to take Izzy outside when I saw the snow-covered ground. I got her all dressed up in Maddy's old snow clothes plus the hat and mittens Aunt Amy sent for Christmas. We didn't have any boots, but seriously, we maybe had a inch of snow. I think Izzy looked so dang cute. She could barely walk, and when she fell down, she was stuck. Besides falling down, she was crazy about the snow. She kept kicking it around and she was really mad when I made her come in and take off the snow pants. Later that day she insisted on wearing her snow pants again. So she wore them to the grocery store. What a silly Izzy!

How cute is she all bundled up in pink?!?! A snow day is a snow day, no matter how much is there! hope you got to curl up in a blanket, and read a good book afterwords! :)
Cute new blog look!!! I am right with you... I miss the snow too. Everyone here thinks I'm crazy.... but snow is part of the seasons and I miss it. Izzy sure does look cute.
holy crud! she is so cute in her pink outfit. i love how you can see her little legs above her tennies:-) very fun!
How cute!!! She is getting big. I know when we get snow here watch out everything closes and Kroger will be out of everything. People think the snow will be around for months or they will be snowed in its crazy. The south is nuts
Snow is definately a different experience in the EAst! I miss it too, but I must admit I am so glad that I don't have to live in it and drive in it all the time. I'll be glad to just visit snow on our trips out west!
Remember that one really cold winter in Logan our senior year at Maple View when we had a snow day? We went sledding and had hot chocolate. And then it was 30 below 0 for like a month. I remember you always wearing thermals and the beanie I made you. Such good times. That was the coldest winter. It was fun taking Joelle sledding this year. She loved it.
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