Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Wonderful One-Year-Old

I love little one-year-olds!!! It's so easy to forget that merely one year ago Wes was incapable of climbing up and down stairs, feeding himself, babbling non stop, crawling, figuring out how all the toys work, nearly walking, and all the hundreds of other things one year-olds are capable of. Although he has his moments, I love my dude so much! The joy and delight he brings to my life is so unique and unmatched by any other. Whenever I see his smiling face coming towards me as fast as his little legs can crawl, I can't help but scoop him up for a slobbery kiss. If I had it my way, I would forget my other responsibilities and make it my goal to get him to laugh all day long. Thank goodness he has Isabella to help me out.

We celebrated numero uno a few days early while Grandma Wilson was still here. It was like Christmas all over again. He loved every present. He was a little crabby and after cake went straight to bed (after a nice cleansing bath).


Kim and Ken Carlile said...

I can't believe he's a year old! He is so darn cute. Seriously. Happy Birthday Wes!

Rachelle said...

He's so adorable. I love your thoughts. Wouldn't it be nice to tickle/play/laugh with your kids and do nothing else?? I have a feeling your are a fantastic mama.

The Miller's said...

awwwwww Love it!!!! Happy Birthday Little buddy!!! He is too cute Abby great pictures.