I competed in my first triathlon ever last Saturday. Though it was incredibly hot, I really loved participating. I was so nervous for the 400 yard swim. I am not a swimmer and I've only been swimming for a month. Turns out that was my favorite part.
I did learn a few lessons I'm willing to share with anyone looking forward to competing in their own triathlon.
1. Don't leave your timing chip at home. It causes panic and last minute running around when you realize it's missing.
2. You really should have a road bike. A mountain bike will work, but a 60 year-old women might fly by you like you're standing still.
3. Make sure you have someone dressed up like a cheerleader (preferably your 3 year-old daughter) cheering you on to do well on the last leg of your run.
4. Train with a really good friend who has done several triathlons before you so she can give you really good tips especially when it comes to swimming.
5. If you can avoid it, pick a triathlon that doesn't occur on a day when the high is in the 90s.
I really did love training and participating for this race. I'm not giving up running races, but I do plan on more triathlons. I love that I accomplished something for me. I sure wasn't fast and have tons of room for improvement, but it was awesome!
Me, running in the distance. You can see Iz in her cheerleader outfit.
Zoomed in a little.
Thanks for the motivation Becca! (yeah, her baby is only 7 months old, she ROCKS!)
My favorite cheerleader!