Sunday, June 20, 2010

Our Daddy the Doctor!!!

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. It's kind of ironic that it's Father's Day and my dad is stuck in and airport all day. Meanwhile my husband is working what should be an easy 24 hour shift at the VA, but is in the OR. Both of these wonderful men show they are dedicated to their professions. I honestly don't know what I would do without them.

Last night Justin graduated from residency!!! He official finishes the end of this month, but Vanderbilt held a dinner and ceremony last night. It is crazy to think that four years ago we moved to this little town. I'm so proud of how hard Justin has worked during this time. I have never personally seen him at work, but I know he is a dedicated physician who completely cares about his patients. I can testify to the long hours he puts in and the recurring instances where he has stayed late to help out a colleague or completely finish an important case. He has saved lives and had a positive impact on his patients and their families. Just has sacrificed so much to pursue his dream. Despite minimal sleep, sometimes going days without seeing his kids, and raising his blood pressure, he has endured. Even when he is at home, he rarely takes a break. He is always reading journals and text books to make sure he stays up-to-date with his studying. I am so pleased to call Dr. Justin W. Wilson my husband!

When you graduate from residency, you are given a chair. Wes enjoyed playing in it this morning. That cheesy smile with closed eyes was totally on purpose.


The Miller's said...

CONGRATS JUSTIN!!! WOW you should be proud of your self that is not an easy going to medical school. Love the chair all the doctors I have ever worked for had that in there Office. Cute family pic

Kim and Ken Carlile said...

Awesome job Justin!! What is in store for you now? Are you staying where you are?

Emily said...

Congratulations to Justin and Abby. This is a huge accomplishment!!!

Jaime said...

Congrats! THat is so exciting. I hope he gets to have better hours. It is hard to always have them gone. Yeah, what now, staying, moving?

aminut said...

Woo Woo! Way to go bud! I love the standard chair that will be with you for "generations". I am so proud of you and how committed you are. You truly have exceeded your visions with great integrity. Love Ya!