Wes thinks it's too hot to wear anything at all.

Yes, we have not reached the first day of summer yet, but if you live in Tennessee we have been experiencing summer-like conditions for several weeks now. In fact by now it is almost unbearable. We have been able to do a few fun things despite the muggy weather.
Back when we could stand being outside for longer then 2 minutes we were able to attend the annual White House Carnival. This year Wes joined Izzy on some of the rides.
The kids and I took a little trip down to Georgia to hang out with Amy for a few days. Here are a few pictures of the kids with the cousins they love to play with. It was a crazy few days, but we had so much fun playing and swimming.
Outfits not even planned...well maybe a little.
The other day we went to a local park that holds events for kids every Friday during the summer. This past Friday the big crowd pleaser was "Touch-a-Truck." It's actually really fun. Different "truck" drivers bring in their vehicles for the kids to climb on and touch. Unfortunately the weather was terrible. Our playgroup was there for about 10 minutes before we decided that it would be impossible to stay long if we didn't want to pass out from the humidity. We climbed through a couple of big attractions then headed to a nice indoor, air conditioned McDonald's play place. Unfortunately I think every mother at the park eventually had the same brilliant idea.
Stay tuned for a post all about the sprint triathlon I'm registered to participate in...
I feel you about the heat and humidity. Sheesh. I can't believe how old those kids of yours are!
We have yet to really get our summer heat yet! Gasp. I kind of am okay with though. I am enjoying the 80's and lower.
Looks like you've been up to some fun things!
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