I was visiting with a running buddy the other day and I realized something: I miss blogging. Not that many people read/comment on my blog, but I like having an organized record of the Wilson family happenings to look back on and enjoy. I feel like Facebook has taken the place of blogging about my life because it's so convenient. But blogging is different than Facebook. I know I'm not the best or most interesting blogger but I need to be recommitted for me.
So having said that, here we are in San Antonio. We miss Tennessee all the time. Our house (which we still own), our friends, having family close, and even the weather that I've known to complain plenty about, all became such a huge part of our lives. I'm sure that I miss it more than Justin. But maybe not. We have somewhat settled into our rental home here. I'm really enjoying our ward and have found kindred spirits in it, something I'm truly grateful for. Izzy and Wes have adjusted well but still miss TN, especially Izzy.
I've learned to not complain about 70 degree weather whenever it happens. Even if it is Christmas or February. I think this is the first winter in my entire life that I have not seen a snowflake. That is a little sad. But on the upside I've enjoyed the greenway right by our house and taking the kids to the park.

At the Alamo
Our favorite place on the trail.

Playing at the park in JANUARY!!

YAY!!! I loved San Antonio! We were there for four years. (The frontage road system is a bit different to get used to, huh? :) If you need a list of favorite restaurants, let me know. There are so many things I miss about TX... enjoy your time there!
Glad to see what you are up to babs! You're kids are growin so big!!!!
I am so glad you are back. It is good to get an update from you. I am like you, no one really comments anymore, but people are reading, and it's a great record. I have even made my blog into a book every year.
I know what you mean about no one blogging anymore. I miss comments and other people posting. I was in nashville not to long ago and texted amy if you were still there and she said you were in san antonio. So I have two friends there and I wonder if you know either of them. Lezlie Terry (or aaron) and Josh Black. Know them? Glad to read your cute post. Your kids are darling.
I heart reading your blog and seeing pics of your hotness and your cute family! Thanks for sharing Abs!!
I read, but am guilty of not always commenting. :) Glad you are back blogging. I am horrible at journaling so that's my motivation on staying on top of our blog too. Otherwise we would have no family record. I had no idea you moved. Your kids are so big and cute, I feel like I hardly recognize them.
Welcome back! You've been missed! So fun to see the fun things you're doing in Texas!!
So happy for an update, I have missed you in the blogosphere! (You have inspired me, I need to be better). The other day Cal asked when his cousin Izzy was coming again. Love that he thinks they are cousins, maybe because he knows I love you like a sister!
I'm glad you are blogging again... or I never would have known that you live in Texas now. We are in Houston. Texas weather is definitely an adjustment, but we've come to love it here. Aaron has a conference in San Antonio in March and we are all coming with him. We haven't yet visited that part of Texas and hear the riverwalk is beautiful. Keep the cute pictures coming. Lots of love, Rachelle
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