...Baby and its a BOY!!
I've been meaning to post the fact that we are having a baby for awhile because it's really not a secret at all, but I wanted to get a picture of my belly and then I knew we were having an ultra sound today, so I figured that I might as well do it all at once. Our due date is January 15, so that puts me at 19 weeks. Almost half way there!
Me with a little bump. I'm definitely bigger now than I was with Izzy.

Baby boy was very cooperative at the appointment today and was not shy at showing his stuff off. When it came to taking a picture of his face, he kept burrowing into the side and turning away. We finally got a few good shots. Justin and I were both very impressed with the 3-D picts. We didn't have those with Izzy.
I'm really excited to know that we are having a boy. I admit I was kind of hoping for a girl because we are so girly at our house, but I really love little boys. I think they are hilarious and so much fun. Justin is excited to have a son to mess around with. Izzy is lots of fun, but sometimes she's a wimp and kind of moody.
On the drive home I couldn't stop thinking about boy names, boy toys, boy decorations, boy, boy boy...I think I will have to switch my brain. Overall, I'm just grateful to be blessed with a healthy baby.
He has a cute little profile.

3-D images.
All curled up. I'm hoping he will be a cuddler.