One of my friends tagged me awhile ago (she actually wrote hers very cute from the perspective of her kids, but I'm not that clever) and I've been trying to think of eight things to say about Izzy. I hope you enjoy getting to know her a little better.
Eight things you didn't know about Isabella Dawn:
1. For about the past few months Izzy has been pulling her hair out why she is in her bed. I'm talking CHUNKS of hair that leave bald spots. Justin and I fretted about it for about a week trying different solutions. Finally I read online how one mother sewed socks on to her child's p.j.'s. So I have been safety pinning Justin's socks over her hands every time she sleeps. She is very willing and holds her hand out whenever it is time to put on her socks. This seems to be working because I no longer find her covered in hair when she gets up. I don't know how long this will continue...

2. Izzy is really into being a big helper. She puts her clothes in her laundry basket (even the clean ones that I'm trying to fold), helps me clean out the dishwasher by putter dirty silverware in the clean drawer, empties the grocery bags out, and even picks up her crayons sometimes. The only thing she really doesn't like to help with is changing her diaper. She throws a fit whenever we have to do this. Unfortunately she isn't ready for potty training. Any suggestions...?
This is my big helper concentrating on stacking cans of food on top of a box of diapers. I guess that's were she thought they belonged.
3. Any time something gets out of place Isabella makes sure I know so I can fix it. For example if the towel is pulled off the stove handle and falls on the floor (uh-oh), her shampoo bottle falls in the bathtub (uh-oh), or if she spills food on her tray we must fix these messes immediately or she will continue to say uh-oh over and over. She is very particular. I blame myself entirely for this funny little habit.
4. Isabella is a big dipper. I'm not talking the one you see in the sky either (ha, ha I kill myself I'm so funny). If she has a sandwich and yogurt, her bread gets dipped in the yogurt. She likes ketchup with anything and ranch with her pizza (thanks to Justin). She dips her roll in soup and anything in a glass of water if she has one. It cracks me up to see her funny combinations.
5. As soon as Izzy could walk, she started to try out dancing around and spinning in circles. She knows how to push the power button on our stereo and will start bouncing around and waving her arms. I'm hoping she inherits my style of dancing which, according to her dad, looks like I'm having a seizure.6. We started talking a lot about colors as Izzy is really into coloring everything. She really loves the color purple and wants to wear purple socks and shoes and have purple barrettes. She really does think every color is purple although I hear her say blue every so often.
We like to lay on the floor and color with each other.
7. If I need about a half hour to jump in the shower or make dinner, I turn on 101 Dalmatians. She absolutely loves it and starts talking about Pongo. It puts her in a trance when it turn on. I was so impressed the first time I tried this. When I got out of the shower to come check on her, there she was sitting in her chair with her duck watching the show.
8. "Ball," was one of Izzy's first words. She is crazy about balls. I have to be careful to not walk by the big bin of balls in Walmart or she starts to go crazy. She also loves balloons and bubbles. Maybe she's really into round things that start with the letter, B. She also likes blue berries, so this could be a developing pattern. Anything else I should know of the starts with a B and is in a spherical shape?
Now we tag Justin and Case, Ava and Chase, and Joelle and Randon.
I love hearing about Izzy from a mothers perspective! Spherical Shapes, Dancing like Seizures, and so many more things that made me smile!
One of the best tricks for changing a dirty diaper that I found is do it the same spot each time (like at a changing table) and next to it where she can see, hang family picture, or her art or other little things that she loves (maybe 101 dalmation pictures) up, and distract her with those, and only use/talk about them when your changing diapers, and change the pictures as worked for my boys, and I hope potty training comes soon! It is nice to be diaper free! :)
Smart mama for putting socks on her hands! I still put them on Chase occasionally so he doesn't scratch his eyeballs out.
And you totally don't dance like you're having seizures! Our husbands are just jealous of our dancing skillz. We gotta get Ava and Izzy together and blast some Jimmy Eat World. They'd be awesome!
And now I've gotten tagged twice. Now I'm obligated. Thanks a lot!
P.S. I keep reading about my friends having a weekend getaway with their old roommates...we totally need to do that! Leave the hubbies and kiddies at home and go away somewhere...perhaps next summer?
I loved to read about Izzy!! So cute. It made me think of you, she is going to be such a fun girl. And I don't think you seizure dance, I think it is cool, cool, times a trillion. (hey, I like that little kicking thing you do with your leg)
Aww, she so dang cute. The balls and the dancing cracked me up! I think nobody ever tags me since I have too many dang kids, they dont want to read a million page post! lol
So cute...she is really growing up and has such a cute little personality. She's so lucky to have you!
seriously?...spherical shape? i can't even spell that word and i would never had thought to use it! So thanks miss Math teacher for educating me. I'm really gonna have to think on my tag. It's harder when you got more than one kid. I read Becca Hansens and we all can't be as cute as her blog entries:-)
Awwww so cute!!!! She is getting so big. Love the pictures. She is a smart little girl.
Hey Abs too cute! I love it b/c as I'm reading I felt like saying me too, me too, me too. (Especially about anything that starts with the letter B.) You should hear Benjamin say brother= butta. So now Alex is my little pat of butter.Ha Ha!
I have an idea: Get some smaller hand held toys maybe even 1 tennis ball b/c it's bright, colorful, texture, and put them away (HIDDEN) so Izzy can't see them. When you go to change her in the SAME place(I agree w/other comment) hand her one of your secret toys. Then 1,2,3 your done. Now just sneak the toy away as she loses interest for another time. Key is that it has to be a "new" toy. By that I mean one that she hasn't seen in long while. Keep rotating your toys so they are always "new" to her. Funny but it works---I learned the "new" rotation while training my dog when he was a pup.
She still really little for potty training so there's plenty of time. Do you have a potty seat/chair to keep in the bathroom just as a conversation piece? To get her familiar with it? Maybe for right now ask her 1/wk if she just wants to sit on it and then ask her more often until she's sitting for longer periods of time. Sometimes the bath water can make them want to go so if you put her in then take her right back out to sit on the pot. Just make sure she's comfortable with the pot 1st. Hopefully that helps as a starter??? Insisting, pressuring can backfire.
Benjamin went potty a couple of weeks ago. I mean absolutly insisted after the bath. But nothing since---which I'm totally ok with until he's going on 3.
I'm not sure what you think about this but I've heard of freaky people sorda like in stories through the grapevine. Some of my friends have removed full names & last names associated with place of residency to avoid the freaks and the freakies. Gotta stick to the freak nots.
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