Friday, April 3, 2009

Identical Cousins?

My sister, Amy, was here for Wesley's blessing this past weekend. Her little boy, Garrett, is about a month older then Wesley. He is such a cutie! Here are some pictures of them together.

What do you think?
We went to the zoo (picts to come) and I was holding both boys for a second and everyone walking by kept saying things like, "You've got your hands full." and "Look at those cute twins." I was happy to pass on the news that they were cousins.


Kim and Ken Carlile said...

Holy Cow. They really do look amazingly similar. It will be interesting to see if that continues and how much they look alike as they get older.

The Miller's said...

WOW!!! How crazy is that. So cute!!!

Andersons said...

They DO look like twins! I hope you guys live near each other when they grow up so they can be buddies.

Becca said...

3 of my nieces all look alike too! However my Justin and Case are their own people!

TheTennesseeWilliams said...

I told you and have been telling you for how long that Wes looked so much like your sisters boys!!
Very cute little boys! I am needing me some Wes snuggles soon!

The Harrises said...

Oh my heck! They do look so much alike. How unreal! You sisters must be so proud that your side of the family has the stronger genes.
Look at your waste put all back together too!

Lindsay said...

That is amazing, seriously. How fun that you have two cute little boys so close in age.