Friday, August 8, 2008


Happy 08/08/08! Not only should you be excited that the Olympics start today, but you are also about ready to read some possibly entertaining facts about the number 8! Thanks A LOT! Let me know your favorites or if you think of something else that refers to the number 8.


The Miller's said...

wow thats pretty cool!!

AMinUT said...

Crazy is right or should I say EIGHT! For some reason I had a problem reading some of that out load to if it were a tongue twister or something. ha ha! Hope you are feeling well lately :-)

Andersons said...

I was wondering when your next numberic post would be.

I have one more to add. How about "8 - the number of boys who were turned down for a second date with Abby her Sophomore year at USU." or " 8 - hours in the car during the Dave Matthews Band roadtrip" or "8 - number of times you wrote Melissa a note on the whiteboard to do her dishes"

Becca said...

you are such a nerd but I love you and glad you are my friend! Happy Eights!

Summer said...

Long live FIBONACCI! that post was awesome, and so are you!

Kim and Ken Carlile said...

I should have expected that post from you! 8 is my favorite number, so I loved your post!!

TheTennesseeWilliams said...

Ya i am not suprised at all about you devoting an entire post to a number! You are def. a nerd but thats why we all love ya and I hope if I ever start college you are around to help me with my numbers!

Carter Family said...

Only you Abs. It's nice to see that despite Izzy, pregnancy, being married to an intern, caring for a house, and a demanding church calling that you're still Mathy Abby. Just to make you proud, Madison pointed out the significance of the date before I even noticed. She thought it was pretty cool. I wonder if you instilled the love of numbers in her head or if it was me . . . didn't have to wonder long . . . it was you! Thanks for that!


Wendy P said...

I love your number stuff. Only you could make numbers ineresting to me!

Becca said...

Abby you CRACK me up! Wow, you are seriously the only person I know who would devote an entire post to the nubmer 8. You're the cutest.