Sunday, November 16, 2008

Two Months!?!?!

I am now to two week appointments. Sometimes I can't believe how fast time flies and I still have so much to do, but then other times I think ugh, I still have two more months of being pregnant? I don't understand how my mom did this six times.

Luckily I'm feeling a little bit more prepared. I made a quilt and bumper pads this week (pictures to come). Some of my sweet friends gave me a baby shower, so now at least this little boy won't have to be naked after he's born and he will have some diapers.

My biggest worries about Baby Boy Wilson is that he doesn't have a name yet and we aren't positive about how to paint his room. I guess that is not that bad.

This is kind of a lame post. Sorry.


Becca said...

Wahoo! The countdown begins! I'm still voting for Noah...

I say just paint it blue on the bottom and put an awesome superhero border that has some red and yellow in it around the middle... I just came up with that. I don't know... :)

Katie said...

Well, of course Luke is a really cute name (obviously) but then it would be Luke Wilson. Hmmmm.... And I guess Owen won't work either. Ok, I'll give you a quick list that might help.
Henry, Sam, Hudson, Brigham, Jack, Talmage, Truman, Joey, Edward, Jonathan, Braydan, Anderson, Andrew, Spencer

Those are pretty good names huh? What do you think?

PS - we might be coming your way again in December. If so, I'll give you a call. :-)

Becca said...

I really want to see the bumper and quilt. I say Justin Wesley Wilson II. I like the name Justin :-)

Emily said...

I have the perfect name for you, but I can't remember what it is.
Now wait before you start to doubt me, let me explain, remember your pretend boyfriend that lived on our whiteboard in snow hall? Was his name Carson McNeil? I can't remember. I think it was....but whatever it was, It was a good name. Good enough to name your first son after :)
Just kidding. I wish you luck with the name choosing process, we're there too, and I am impressed you have your quilt and bumper done. I have my material, but no time to finish it! Hopefully we'll be able to squeeze it in sometime before his birth! I can't wait to see pics of your cute little one. Only two months to go!

The Miller's said...

Wahooo!!!! I VOTE NOAH WESLEY WILSON or even NOAH JUSTIN WILSON cant wait to hear what you guys decide =)

Carter Family said...

Just don't name him Lincoln. I am reading a book called "Lincoln Unmasked." I will blog about it later but trust me don't name him that. And don't sweat the fact that you don't have a name. Look at us, you'll think of the perfect one before you leave the hospital.

aminut said...

I like the name Justin Wesley too. Ha imagine that. I also really like the name Carson. That was a name I brought up but Robert said no. Harrison is a name I've always liked but I totally hate the name Harry---and that's what a lil Harrison would be called. I wouldn't sweat it either but once that nesting sets in I'm sure the sweat will be there. Absolutely #1 you shouldn't fret b/c you should enjoy the last 2 months---there's a fast miracle growing in there. I'm always so amazed by the whole process! I LOVED being pregnant and would do it again, again, and again. It's the next 18+ years that I find so hard BUT rewarding.

The Harrises said...

It sounds like everything is great besides the boy name. Hummm.....what will you call him?....Maybe you can name him something from your two posts down. I was thinking Wilab.