Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Oh my goodness it was great to be with my parents and see all my siblings. I wish I would've pulled out my camera more. I'm relying on my mom and sister for more pictures of our time together.

The first half of our stay in Utah, I was the only one staying at my parents house. It's was great getting my mom all to myself. I did get to spend lots of time with Aubrey and her sweet little Ari, Amber and her two boys, and Daniel and Ally. Our main goal each day was to purchase some shaved ice with cream drizzled on top. YUM! I don't know why I did not take any pictures of this. I must have been too busy stuffing my face.

It's the second year in a row that all my siblings were able to congregate in one area. I feel so blessed that this happened. I love them all so much!!!

Relaxing (or belaxing as Izzy would say) at the pool.

Amy and Garrett
Ally and Wes
Amber and Jordan
Me and my dude
My Grandpa and Grandma Shimer came down from Idaho for Aubrey and Steve's sealing and to see all of us. I was so happy to play some games and spend some time with them.
Grandma and Izzy
Grandpa and Izzy
With some of their great-grand children

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