Daniel and Ally joined me and the kids for an afternoon galavant to Logan, UT. So nice to be back in the place I called home for 4 1/2 years. I really experienced some of the best memories in this place. If I could go back to any time in my life I would pick my years in Logan.
The Beautiful Logan Temple
The "A" where you become a true Aggie.

Around Campus
Old Farm, Apartment Q-2. Need I say more?
I love that you took a picture of our front door! I have been waiting for your post of your trip, and it was worth the wait!
I LOVE IT! I'm with you, best college memories in Logan. Q-2sday still lives on. :-)
Oh my goodness! I got that nostalgic feeling and my stomach has butterflies just looking at these pictures. "Those were the days..." I never lived in Old Farm but I had friends there. How fun that you visited!
Our Door!!! I about burst into tears when I saw it (Blame it on the pregnancy hormones!) What great memories we had there! The door looks so much the same! Q2 Cuties forever!
Now you've sufficiently made me homesick. Oh how I love Logan and USU!
For me it'd have to be Old Farm apartment D-3, but yeah... I know what you mean. Love that place. I'm glad you got to have a good visit.
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