Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Wonderful World of OZ

To anyone who has driven across Kansas, this would look like a familiar site:

It goes on FOR-E-VER!!! At first we're like, "Oh wow, look at the open space! It's so wonderful to see the whole sky from horizon to horizon." After while we're like, "Oh man, more open space. How long do these endless plains last? Will we ever see a mountain?"

To combat our open-space blues, we made and unscheduled detour at an Oz museum. It was a very fun little place in a very teeny-tiny little town. The town park was a small plot of grass with a bench (bug Amy if you want to see pictures). Their collection of Oz memorabilia was very extensive and quite impressive. If I wasn't chasing around an 18 month old, I may have been able to enjoy it more.

Preston, Maddy, Amy, Garret, Izzy, and Mom at the entrance.
Izzy, Garrett, and Jackson with the lovable Tin Man.
Amy and I proclaiming ourselves joint rulers of the Emerald City.

When we got back in the car we still had pry 100 more hours of this:

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