Saturday, May 23, 2009

4 Months Old

Here's our big guy

And here is his sis at four months. Funny how they both had their four month picture taken in the same place.

Height: 27.5 inches (above the 95th percentile)
Weight: 15 lbs 10 oz (between 50th - 75th percentile)

Wes really is a happy baby. He is sleeping much better now that I'm not eating dairy. Not to say that he doesn't have a bad night here and there, but it's tons easier to put him back to sleep. He LOVES playing with toys and reaching for everything. He is super good at distracting me from things I need to get done because he will laugh and play and talk. I'm in love with my guy.


Becca said...

yup, he looks like you!

Carter Family said...

Getting cuter every day! I can't wait to see you guys in a couple weeks! Give those babies loves from Aunt Amy!

Andersons said...

What a little sweetheart! Your kids had the most gorgeous big brown eyes - how do you even get anything done around the house? I'd just be staring at their sweet faces all day.

And he's gonna be tall - yeah for tall boys! :-)