Thursday, January 10, 2008

Do you have a driver's license?

I actually took this video about a week ago (before the 70 degree weather), but I had a lot of trouble figuring out how to get a video on this blog. Thank goodness I have a really great brother-in-law (that's you Bryce) that does all of the blogging in his home and he helped me out. Anyway, this is Izzy driving her little car around. She loves playing outside despite the silly expression on her face. She cries whenever we make her come in. Today she made me put her mittens on her so she could think she was going outside. Unfortunately it was very rainy today so we didn't go out.


Emily said...

Every kid needs some outside car/bike/trike or something, to get outside and play with, pretty soon, she is going to be zipping around-- I am glad she's off to a goods start!

Carter Family said...

Looks like the video thing worked out. Isa looks awesome. I know her name is Izzy, but I like Isa so I can sing the song "Isa turn the wheel, turn the wheel Isa." Its from Dora. Anywho Justin, nice pants.

Dad said...

You both look like you are dressed for Idaho weather. What a bunch of pansies! Nice pants, Justin. Who's the cute baby?

The Miller's said...

Very cute!!!