Monday, January 28, 2008

The Spouse Brag Tag

What's his name? Justin Wesley

How long have you been together? Almost five years.

How long did you date? It was five months until we were engage and other six until we got married, but the lines are a little fuzzy about when we actually got engaged and started dating.

How old is he? 27 same as me!!

Who eats more? Depends on when we are eating. Usually I would say he can out eat me, unless he has been on call. He says that it messes his eating up. It takes a few days and then he's back to his normal self. (ooh except chocolate, I can eat way more chocolate then him)

Who is taller? He beats me by maybe an inch. I was planning marrying someone who was 6'4", but it didn't work out that way. I blame it on the streak of dates I went on with a bunch of short guys (some of you may remember that) and I knew it would be my fate to marry someone I was taller than in heels. It's okay, I'm over it. I love him.

Who said 'I love you' first? He did walking down a street in Hershey,PA one night. It took me awhile to feel comfortable saying it back. When I finally did, I meant it.

Who does the laundry? Me. (unless Justin happens to be out of whites and has a few minutes free, which is an extremely rare occasion)

Who does the dishes? Me again. It's like pulling a tooth to get him to put the dishes in the dishwasher.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Justin, it's closer the the alarm clock and the bathroom, he gets up way too early for me.

Who pays the bills? Me again. I am in control of the finances, just the way I like it to be.:)

Who mows the lawn? What lawn?!? You mean our weeds, yes Justin mows the weeds.

Who cooks dinner? Once again, that is my job. If I don't feel like cooking, dinner is pretty shabby.

Who sings better? I don't profess to be a great singer, but I do mostly beat Justin on Karaoke Revolution on the PS2, however, he did beat me once. And I do admit that he makes up better words to songs than I can.

Who drives when you are together? Justin, he makes way too much fun of my driving for us to switch spots.

Who is more stubborn? Me, I usually have to get my own way. It's actually kind of bratty of me and I should be better and yield to him more frequently.

Who is smarter? Depends on who you ask. Math teacher or doctor. You decide. (I did have better grades in high school, but I can't understand a sentence in any of his medical books)

Who kissed who first? I think it was mutual. He definitely wanted to kiss me before I wanted to kiss him.

Who asked who out first? He asked me out. I seem to remember that he kept asking me, "When are we going to go out?" My reply was always the same, "When are you going to ask me?" Man, I am kind of a brat.

Who proposed? Hmmmm, I definitely got gypped on the whole proposal thing. Justin claims it was my fault, because I wasn't patient enough, but he sure took his time and I sure had a wedding to plan. Eventually he did get down on one knee and ask, but I was already wearing a ring and I'm pretty sure invitations had been mailed.

Who is more sensitive? Me, me, me!!!

Who has more friends? I guess that would be me since Justin claims to have no friends besides me and the people he knew before we moved here.

Who has more siblings? I have five, he has one.

Who wears the pants in the family? Umm, this is hard for me. I guess it depends on the issue. I like to let Justin deal with uncomfortable situations, but I'm not afraid to jump in and offer my opinion. I think we are pretty balanced, although he may not agree.

I'm unsure how this tag thing works (this is my first time), so I guess I tag a few people and you get to answer these fun questions on your blog and than tag someone new. I tag Lindsay, Wendy, Whitney and Bryce. Have fun!


Rachelle Brown said...

Cute post. That is funny that you got gypped in proposing. Guys just don't understand that these things take time. Feel free to put a link on your page - I'm doing the same. (unless you protest). It has been so fun finding people through those links.

Emily said...

Fun, Fun Post! It is fun to get to know Justin and "Justin and You" better. I love the part about who is smarter. After watching you do some of those equations in college, I know you're one smart cookie! Just looking at them gave me a headache :)

Summer said...

thanks Abs! that was fun to get to know you guys a little more, and yes, your daughter's bum is way cute, and you're totally not weird thinking that. (I wish my daughter had a bum!)

The Miller's said...

How cute abby!! I will work on my tag give me a little while.

Becca said...

Nice to get to know more about President Wilson even if we don't get to see him all that often! :)